Sunday, January 27, 2008

Talent show

Dear All
One of the ideas we've had for the Jordanian-Romanian Youth is to have a talent show, where those youth who want to tell jokes, sing, act (rehearsed or improvised), juggle, give readings from stories or poems they've written, show a collection of their own, play a musical instrument, show off sculptures Photographs, Posters or paintings, may do so.
But we need to know who might be interested in performing in order to figure out how much time will be needed and what equipment (microphones, stands to display your Models, photos, paintings or posters, for example) might be needed. If you consider participation, please contact us, we already have a list of names since the first time we announced the idea, but we wanted to give chances to those who did not know about it.
The talent show most probably will take place in the Royal cultural center at the end of February, Friday (29-Feb-2008), we are waiting for the reservation to be approved from the ministry of culture.
I will need your reply before, Friday (1st February 2008) so I can send the lists with names.
For those who are already registered I will call you back for sure.

I want to tell you that we have many talents, and we want to show everybody that we deserve support from them.

Please tell other Jordanian-Romanian youth.

(JRFCulture) Jordanian-Romanian Forum for Culture

Diana 0795959080
Nasim 0788787064
Noris 0795721257


Moey said...

Nasim, if you need help with the poster design let me know :)

Rasha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nasimjo said...

Rasha, I dont know why u deleted your own comment, but well .... You can SMS any of the numbers above with ur email, or even come and attend The movie night this thursday, you are more than welcome.

Moey, thanks, I guess this will be mainly an "in-house" event. unless we get it well organized, then we can make it a public one :) .. dont worry, we might need ur skills in other bigger events :)