Sunday, December 9, 2007

The 1st Romanian Movie Night Festival in Jordan - Event Pictures

Following are some shots made at the 1st Romanian Movie Festival in Jordan, which was held on the 1st of December, 2007. at Al-Balad theater.

The event was under the patronage of Mrs Nancy Bakeer, the Jordanian Minister of Culture, and Mr Radu Onofrei, the Romanian Ambassador in Amman.

His Excellency, the Romanian Ambassador, Radu Onofrei

Part of the audience

Part of the audience

Part of the audience

Al-Balad theater's hall before the event

Al-Balad theater's hall between the two movies

Her Excellency, Mrs Nancy Bakeer, The Jordanian Minister of Culture serving Romanian pastry and sweets.

JRFC's speech

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

How to get to Al Balad Theatre

The 1st Romanian Movie Night Festival - Details.

With relation to the earlier announced "1st Romanian Movie Festival". here are details you'd find useful about the event.

The show will be held in Al-Balad Theater on the 1st of December, 2007.

This event is sponsored by TESCO, Intelligent office solutions.
This event is done in cooperation with MediaPro Distribution romania, and the Jordanian Royal Film Commission.

The 1st movie to be shown is "The Rest is Silence", directed by Nae Caranfil. The movie will start at 4:00 PM, and will last until 6:15 PM.

Next, a refreshment break will follow, with traditional Romanian pastry and sweets.

The 2nd movie to be shown is the Cannes 2007 winning movie, "California Dreamin' (Endless)" , featuring American actor Armand Assante, and directed by Cristian Nemescu. in Premier in Jordan. The movie will start at 6:35 PM, and will last until 9:00 PM.

Both movies will be subtitled in English.

Entry to both movies is FREE!

Entry to both movies is restricted to 18+

Information about the location will be published at the beginning of next week.

You have the option to watch the 1st movie only, the 2nd movie only, or both movies.

Please try to be at least 20 minutes prior to the show time at the location, as no people will be allowed in as the movies start!

More information will be published soon, for any question please leave a comment on this post, or call either 0788787064, or 0795959080, or drop us a line at

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The 1st Romanian Movie Night Festival

The Jordanian Romanian Forum for Culture (JRFC) and the romanian embassy in Amman, will be holding the 1st Romanian Movie Night Festival in Jordan on the occasion of the National Day of Romania, on the 1st of December, 2007, starting 4 PM, in Al-Balad Theater.

The screening will feature the Paris Movie Festival winning movie "The Rest is Silence", directed by Nae Caranfil. And the Cannes Festival 2007 winning movie "California Dreamin' (Endless)", featuring American actor Armand Assante, and directed by Cristian Nemescu, in a first time premier in Jordan.

For more information, please call: 0788787064, or 0795959080.

and keep posted to this website for more information soon.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Couple of folkloric romanian nights, this weekend in Amman

The Romanian Embassy along with the European Union commission will be holding a romanian folkloric night this Thursday and Friday at Al-Hussein Cultural Center, at The City Hall in Ras Al-Ein.

The folkloric night will be performed by one of romania's biggest folkloric ensembles, VLASCA, from Giurgiu in southern Romania.

The performance will be starting at 8 PM, and entrance is free.

See you there

Sunday, September 2, 2007

“The Jordanian society between the East and West, Past and Future Conference”-Leaders of Tomorrow

A conference organized by The Leaders of Tomorrow

المجتمع الأردني ، هذا المجتمع الذي طالما كان محط أنظار التعددية والتغيير ، من هذا المنطلق ومع موجة التغيير والتطور السريع الملحوظة حالياً ، جاءت فكرة هذا المؤتمر لدراسة أهم هذه الظواهر ، وإلقاء النظر على بعض القضايا الساخنة ، التي تحتمل الكثير من الأراء و العديد من الإتجاهات ونذكرمنها على سبيل المثال لا الحصر : التأثيرات السياسية و الإقتصادية على المجتمع الأردني ، الأسرة والزواج كأساس لها ، العلاقة بين الرجل والمرأة و الإجهاض وغيرها ...
الهيكلية الأساسية لهذا المؤتمر مبنية على الشباب و مشاركتهم و أرائهم ، حيث تم طرح أربعة محاور أساسية قام المشاركون بعدها بالخروج ببعض التوصيات لكل محور ، ثم تم التصويت عليها بالأغلبية ليتم تبنيها كتوصيات أساسية للمؤتمر .

أما بالنسبة للمحاور الأربعة بشكل عام فكانت :
الوضع السياسي و الاقتصادي ومدى تأثيره على المجتمع الأردني .
مصادر سلوك الأفراد و الجماعات في الأردن .
تأكيد أهمية الأسرة و الزواج كأساس لها .
الإجهاض والعلاقة بين الرجل و المرأة .

أهداف المؤتمر ::.

تسليط الضوء على بعض القضايا التي طالما استحقت الدراسة والبحث والمناقشة و أخذ رأي الشباب فيها و مدى وعيهم لأهميتها و تأثيراتها

اعطاء الشباب ذكوراً و إناثاً الفرصة لابداء الرأي و مناقشة القضايا الساخنة معأً و بدون معوقات أو حواجز

تنبيه المجتمع الأردني ، بأهمية معرفة مصادر سلوكهم و مرجعياتهم (عادات، تقاليد، ديانة ، مؤثرات خارجية.... ) و محاولة وضع بعض الاقتراحات التي من شأنها تعزيز بعض المسلكيات و احباط السيء منها ، باللإضافة إلى الخروج بمرجعية مشتركة تجمع الشباب الأردني

الخروج ببعض التوصيات الشبابية بخصوص العلاقة بين الرجل والمرأة و قضايا الإجهاض التركيز على أهمية الحفاظ على الهوية و التمسك بالعادات الشرقية ، و فتح باب المقارنة بين المجتمع الأردني و الغربي بشكل عام مع ابراز تأثيرات العولمة والانفتاح على المجتمع أيجاباً أو سلباً التأكيد على أهمية الأسرة والزواج كأساس لها، و التطرق لظاهرة الشذوذ الجنسي و مدى انتشارها وتأثيرها على المجتمع الأردني بشكل خاص والعربي والإسلامي بشكل عام

الخروج بتوصيات عامة تغطي محاور المؤتمر ، تبين رأي الشباب فيها و محاولة ايصالها إلى الجهات المسؤوولة والإعلام و وضع آليات تطبيق لها

الفئة المستهدفة ::.
الفئة العمرية من 20-32
كلا الجنسين
كافة التخصصات
جميع محافظات المملكة

Monday, August 27, 2007

Telent Show preselection

The Jordanian Romanian Forum for Culture – Under Establishment, is proud to announce that it is in the process of organizing and Talent Show next October, in which participants can show their dancing, performing, acting, photographing, painting, singing, or any other sorts of skills to the public, in a ceremony that will take place at the Royal Cultural Center in Amman next October.

For those interested in participating, please don't hesitate to tell us about your talent so that we would prepare an interview for you in our upcoming pre-selection session.

You can contact us via any of the following personnel:

Diana 0795959080
Shadi 0776068401
Aiman 0799996970
Nasim 0788787064

Starting a Leadership and Communication skills workshop

The Jordanian Romanian Forum for Culture – Under Establishment, had organized a leadership and communication skills workshop for his founding members as well as other participants from the Jordanian-Romanian community in Jordan, and members in the Jubilee School's Alumni Club.

The workshop has started on the 17th of August, 2007. Starting up with the 1st level, and will continue for several weeks from now, ranking up higher to the next levels, as well as instructing the participants to be part in the process, and be able to give similar workshops and seminars on those topics for others, increasing by this the networking between the members of the forum and the participants and the local and surrounding community.

Tawjihi Graduation Party - August 2007

The Jordanian Romanian Forum for Culture – Under Establishment, had organized a celebration party for the graduated high school, tawjihi, students from Jordanian – Romanian families on the 2nd of August, 2007.

The party included an welcome statement by the Romanian ambassador in Jordan, his excellency, Mr Radu Onufrei, who congratulated the Jordanian – Romanian youth for the step forward made in establishing the JRFC, along with the high school graduates from the hybrid Jordanian-Romanian community, who will be starting up their after school life with a new spirit accompanied with the establishment of the Jordanian Romanian Forum for Culture.

The party was lead by Dj Voinic, yet another young member of the Jordanian-Romanian community, and his troupe, BETRAK, coming all the way from Aqaba, and performing live several tracks in Arabic, English, and Romanian.

May 2007's Trip

The Jordanian Romanian Forum for Culture – Under Establishment, had organized a picnic to the Amman National Park and a visit to the royal automobile museum on Friday the 18th of May, 2007. In which participated a bunch of youth that come from hybrid mixed Jordanian-Romanian families.

The picnic included several social games, whose aim was to introduce the participants to each other, and to tighten their social relations as a part of the forum's objectives in increasing cultural and social exchange between the members of the Jordanian-Romanian families, and the society they live in. A BBQ party was also part of the picnic, where everyone took part in preparing and eating as well of course :)

On the other hand, the visit to the royal automobile club was requested by some of the participants who hadn't visit it before, and this made an opportunity for all the participants to vote for Petra as a new 7th wonder of the world, by entering the museum, as well as enjoying the exhibited content and automobiles of the museum, that forms a historical path across the formation of modern Jordan ever since the early 1900s until the moment, linking that to models of cars across this era.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

"Arab World in the Eyes of Youth" Contest

"Arab World in the Eyes of Youth" Contest

TakingITGlobal in cooperation with the National Forum for Youth and Culture- Jordan Youth, Safar Fund and Al- Hayat Center for Civil Society Development is organizing a contest on the "Arab World in the Eyes of Youth" from May 4th till June 15th, 2007. This contest will provide you with the opportunity to express your views freely and for o the rs to read your opinions through your article, short story or poem in our online journal, your artistic expression through TakingITGlobal's Global Gallery or your opinion through our podcasting section. You can also join the contest discussion forum and TIGblog to discuss important issues about the Arab region with o the r youth.

Participate with us and win great prizes!!Winners will also be announced on TakingITGlobal and TIG's Arabic newsletter "Discover the World of TIG" in addition to the websites of the contest partners.

To participate, click here:

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

JRFC Meeting, Friday the 4th of May 2007

in "3albal", opposite to the Main University Gate.
10:00 AM.
Minimum Nr of People: 10
Maximum Nr .... Open! they will bake for all of you!

Spread The Word...

The place is bordered in Flashy Green in the following Satellite Image.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hello, Salut, مرحبا

Hello, Salut, مرحبا

This blog is going to be the way of e-communicating between the Jordan Romanian Youth Club and the outer world, and between the members of the Jordanian Romanian Youth Club their selves.

The Jordanian Romanian Forum for Culture, which has just been established this year. Is an official gathering for the youth of a hybrid Jordanian-Romanian origin, aged between 18-35.

The club aims to empower the relation between young men and women born from families of Jordanians married to Romanians. As well as empower their relation with both, the Jordanian and Romanian communities and cultures.

Acest Blog va fi media de communicare electronica intre Clubul Tineretului Romano-Iordanian si lumea de afara, precum si intre membri clubului.

Forumul Cultural Romano-Iordanian, care a fost abea creat in acest an. Este leaga officialla pentru cei tineri cu o origina mixta Romano-Iordaniana, si o varsta intre 18-35 de ani.

Obiectivele forumului sa desfashoara in enbonatatirea relatielori intre tinirii nascuti in familii de iordanieni insorati de romance, si in acelash timp, inbonatatirea relatilori acestorea cu communitatea publica si culturala din Iordania si Romania.

هذه المدونة ستكون وسيلة للتواصل الإلكتروني بين المنتدى الأردني الروماني للثقافة مع العالم الخارجي. وبين الأفراد الأعضاء في المنتدى أنفسهم.

تم تشكيل المنتدى الأردني الروماني للثقافة مؤخرا خلال هذا العام. وهو المجمع الرسمي للشباب الذين لهم أصول مشتركة رومانية – أردنية، و أعمارهم تتراوح بين 18-35 سنة.

ويهدف النادي إلى توطيد العلاقات بين الشباب و الشابات الذين نشؤوا في عائلات أردنيين تزوجوا من نساء رومانيات. بالإضافة إلى توطيد علاقتهم مع المجتمعين و الثقافتين، الأردنية و الرومانية.